Over the last few months I've been participating in a promotional contest sponsored by Sun Ovens, International --- and back in May I won first prize, a Global Sun Oven® that I received today. (I also won the second and third prizes in previous months.) I'm so excited! This thing is awesome! (I've been lusting after one of these for a while, because I was too lazy to build my own contraption, so this contest was perfect for me.)
Once I get it set-up and primed, I'll post more about it. In fact, I'll probably periodically post recipes and my experiences with the oven along with musings about solar energy in general. (I'm big on sustainability, ecology and the environment. And bullish on green tech!) Go, go, sun go!
Besides, even if you don't give a fig about the environment using a solar oven to cook is a no brainer --- who wants to heat up his house by turning on an oven in the middle of one of the hottest summers on record. (We've already had twice a many 90+ degree day as we had last Summer and we've still got over a month and a half left.)
Perhaps, you can win one for yourself; you can also win a nifty set of pots and pans or a recipe book. Go enter the current month's contest: SUN OVENS Taste and Tell Contest. Make certain to read the rules. Don't worry, it's very easy to participate. Tell them Tad sent you!