Life in the pond with the green queen...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sad Company: Mobilewalla

In December asked the question, "What was your worst experience as a BzzAgent in 2011?" on its Facebook page, and I didn't have to think long for an answer.

I am a geek and knowledge is my aphrodisiac. I love trying new things, learning about new products, and giving companies feedback. I am a quality assurance engineer by birth, an alpha tester, and an early-adopter. I am the embodiment of 411 -- the person everyone calls when they need information on any subject; functioning as "tech support" for friends, friends of friends, and colleagues. For me, "bzzing" (talking about products/services with others) is a natural extension of my being. If something exists, then I have an opinion about it (and I'll have the facts which informed the opinion). If I find a product or service I love I tell absolutely everyone, but beware, the same is true for when I find a product or service that doesn't pass muster. And what I hate more than anything is when a company has a solid product, but kills it with crappy customer support/service/relations. Any love I may have felt for your product will fly out the window! 

This is exactly what happened with Mobilewalla, an app search and ranking service, that I was introduced to via This is my odyssey... caveat emptor!

  • On 23-Sep-2011, sent out its Weekly Digest email. The entire first section of the talked about all these cool apps that BzzAgent (employees) had found using Mobilewalla and at the end of the section, there was this contest announcement below:
  • On's recommendation, I went to check out the Mobilewalla site. Then I visited the Mobilewalla Facebook Fan Page, liked it, and took the poll to enter the contest. I figured, why not? 
  • On 03-Oct-2011, I was contacted via Facebook by a Mobilewalla employee who stated that I was one of the four contest winners. A day or so later, I was asked for my email address, so that my $50.00 Gift Certificate prize could be sent right out to me. I responded with my email address... and got nothing in return. Over the next several weeks, I contacted this employee a few times to try to find out why the prize had never been sent. The first excuse was that a colleague was supposed to have sent it, but that colleague was out of the office.... eventually the employee stop responding at all, just silence, and the saga continued.
  • On 07-Nov-2011, I left a message on's Facebook page giving an overview of what had happened so far and asking if they had a contact at Mobilewalla with whom they could check on the status of my prize. I realized Mobilewalla's lack of follow-through and explanation was not's fault, but Mobilewalla had been introduced to me upon's recommendation and the contest had been advertised in's e-newsletter. I figured might at least be able to suss out what was going on. followed up with Mobilewalla and responded that Mobilewalla stated I would receive my GC "shortly" but by the end of November, I still had not been sent it. And had not received any satisfactory reason as to why not. (By the way, another BzzAgent responded to my Facebook post saying she'd also been contacted by Mobilewalla as a contest winner, but had also never received the promised prize. Considering there were only four winners, it didn't seem likely any had actually received the prize.)
  • It's 05-Jan-2012 and Mobilewalla has yet to come through with the $50.00 Gift Certificate. No real explanation given.
Without doubt, this experience was my worst of 2011 as a BzzAgent. 

But what I don't get is this, if you're a fledgling company trying to gain "bzz" and you run a contest where participants are likely to be early-adopters and folks who will tell their friends (and strangers, too) about your product, why on earth would you not honor the contest? Why contact actual winners at all, if it was merely a fake contest designed to drum up interest? Are these the sort of people who you want to be out there telling everyone they know (and strangers, too) how poorly your company behaved? You've got to be one sad company.

On top of it all, I had planned to add $29.00 to my GC prize and get a Kindle... total bummer. 

Stay tuned. In another post later on -- likely next week-- I'll answer the other half of's question, "What was my best experience as a BzzAgent in 2011?"

Disclosure: I'm a BzzAgent (a registered participant/member of, a word-of-mouth marketing company).

Friday, September 30, 2011

Busy w/ the Fizzy

I've been a vegetarian for nearly 22 years -- my vegeversary is coming up in December! Gave up meat at a young age without a backwards glance. People would always ask how I could do without meat. (I grew up in the deep South where everything is fried in meat juice.) I told them that meat wasn't essential to my daily bread. My favorite foods are fruits and vegetables, in that order. 

I could easily add soda to that list. Giving up meat didn't bother me at all, but if someone asked me to give up soda, I might be driven to violence. Soda is my weakness in the food chain. It's seemingly hereditary; my father drank so much soda -- I don't recall ever seeing him drink water -- that we used to joke the man had Coke® running through his veins in place of  blood. In other words, I love soda!

Some people say they drink soda for the caffeine. I don't notice caffeine; I have a very high tolerance for it. I don't even drink soda because I'm thirsty. I seldom feel thirst. Random, I know, but there it is. No, I drink soda because it tastes good. I know I'm supposed to drink water, but soda tastes better. It's got flavor.

Lately, I've been trying to cut down on my soda consumption. It's not going so well. So I thought perhaps, I could do the next best thing. If I can't give up soda then at least I can choose healthier options -- and one of the best things one can do when going healthy is to go the homemade route. To that end, I got the book, Homemade Soda: 200 Recipes for Making and Using... fruit sodas and fizzy juices, sparkling waters, root beers and cola brews, herbal and healing waters, sparkling teas and coffees, shrubs and switchels, cream sodas and floats, and other carbonated concoctions by Andrew Schloss.

On the back of the book, this jumped out at me:
You'll love the benefits of Homemade Soda. 
>> Control the sugar and calories your family drinks. Use sweeteners you like in quantities you want. 
>> Say goodbye to recycling bins filled with empty commercial soda bottles.

This book was speaking to me. I'm eco-minded, I'm big on DIY and green tech -- add to this my desire to make my soda habit healthier and this cottage industry is right up my alley.

Now, what I'd really love is to join the Sodastream BzzCampaign, so I can "get busy with the fizzy" (the old Sodastream slogan). Did you know that a Sodastream machine doesn't need electricity? Green!

Disclosure: I'm a BzzAgent and, a word-of-mouth marketing company, is launching a Sodastream campaign. As part of a new selection process, BzzAgents can now express direct interest in specific campaigns and enter for a chance to join them by posting pictures, videos, or blogs. This post serves as my entry, however; this doesn't lessen what is stated, all of which remains true.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Birth of a Sci-Fi Geek

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." crawled up the screen and I was hooked on a saga that would stay with me for a lifetime. I became a Star Wars geek at age eight and I'm still very much 'down with the force' today.

Check the bonafides (from my Star Wars collection):
This is one of my favorite pieces. The first time I watched Star Wars, seeing the Stormtroopers astride of Dewbacks made me want to go home and ride a lizard. (Did I mention I've always wanted a pet Komodo Dragon?) When we were kids, my cousin and I tried to strap our Star Wars figures onto actual lizards -- poor lizards, right? That didn't work out to well.

I had so much Star Wars stuff as a kid there was a point when I was banned from bringing anymore into the house. Now that I have my own place, I no longer have to deal with that particular moratorium. Although I think it's about time I upgraded those Star Wars laserdiscs, don't you? Thus the Star Wars blu-ray set would make a perfect addition to my collection.

Disclosure: I'm a BzzAgent and, a word-of-mouth marketing company, is launching a Star Wars Blu-ray campaign. As part of a new selection process, BzzAgents can now express direct interest in specific campaigns and enter for a chance to join them by posting pictures, videos, or blogs. This post serves as my entry, however; this doesn't lessen what is stated, all of which remains true.