"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." crawled up the screen and I was hooked on a saga that would stay with me for a lifetime. I became a Star Wars geek at age eight and I'm still very much 'down with the force' today.
Check the bonafides (from my Star Wars collection):
This is one of my favorite pieces. The first time I watched Star Wars, seeing the Stormtroopers astride of Dewbacks made me want to go home and ride a lizard. (Did I mention I've always wanted a pet Komodo Dragon?) When we were kids, my cousin and I tried to strap our Star Wars figures onto actual lizards -- poor lizards, right? That didn't work out to well.
I had so much Star Wars stuff as a kid there was a point when I was banned from bringing anymore into the house. Now that I have my own place, I no longer have to deal with that particular moratorium. Although I think it's about time I upgraded those Star Wars laserdiscs, don't you? Thus the Star Wars blu-ray set would make a perfect addition to my collection.
Disclosure: I'm a BzzAgent and BzzAgent.com, a word-of-mouth marketing company, is launching a Star Wars Blu-ray campaign. As part of a new selection process, BzzAgents can now express direct interest in specific campaigns and enter for a chance to join them by posting pictures, videos, or blogs. This post serves as my entry, however; this doesn't lessen what is stated, all of which remains true.
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